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Switch Before It’s Too Late


It’s been proven and verbosed over the newspaper, television, radio, and in the internet that tobacco cigarettes are harmful to one’s health. However, there are still remaining smokers who constraint themselves with just the tobacco cigarettes for some reasons like “I’m ok with smoking”, “I have no health problems yet”, “It’s a hard habit to break”, so on and so forth with a lot of possible excuses to justify the denial syndrome when talking about smoking. These smokers who say no to any nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) and even to the analog look a like e-cigarettes, probably have not been enlightened yet. Need they experience something terrible caused by smoking first before they open their minds to the quit smoking aids available now in the market?

In this piece, I am going to share some distressing facts about smoking tobacco produtcs hoping this could somehow, when read or heard by smokers, let them realize how bad smoking is for our health and consider switching to electronic cigarettes, a battery powered personal vaporizer that contains no tobacco, tar, and other harmful components found in tobacco cigarettes. An e-cigarette is mainly composed of a battery, a cartridge that stores the liquid solution made up of flavorings with or without nicotine, and an atomizer that heats up the liquid to produce vapor instead of smoke, making e-cigarettes way safer to humans health and the environment as well. An electronic cigarette is designed to resemble the physical appearance of an actual tobacco cigarette for the reason that this device is designed as an alternative to smoking and answer the hand to mouth habit when puffing a lit stick. It is close to being a “perfect cigarette” as you may find especially now with all the researches and advanced technology applied in designing and making e-cigarettes.

Now going over, listed below are some of the worrysome facts about tobacco cigarettes:

1. Smoking-related diseases cause 440,000 deaths a year in the United States alone. The U.S. states with the highest percentage of smokers are Kentucky (28.7%), Indiana (27.3%), and Tennessee (26.8%), while the states with the fewest are Utah (11.5%), California ( 15.2%), and Connecticut (16.5%).

2. World wide, there are about 10 million cigarettes sold every minute and someone dies every eight second due to smoking related diseases.

3. In the US, it has been reported that about 3000 individuals die due to second hand smoke every year.

4. Tobacco cigarettes are responsible for about 25% of deaths caused from house fires, approximately 1,000 fire-related deaths, and 3,300 fire-related injuries per year.

5. Smoking claims the lives of 60% of the smokers through heart disease way before they reach middle age.

6. For this century, tobacco is expected to take around more than a billion lives.

7. Tobacco smoking is known to produce cancer in the lungs, larynx, trachea, esophagus, bronchus, pancreas, kidney, bladder, cervix.

8. Smoking is the main cause of Asthma in smokers.

9. Miscarriage and fetal growth retardation risks are increased for pregnant women who smoke.

10. Smoking can cause erectile dysfunction, impotence or soft penile erections.

11. Hazardous chemicals such as ammonia, arsenic, formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, polonium, radioactive lead, and hydrogen cyanide, and other 43 known carcinogens are all present in tobacco cigarettes.

12. Many diabetics are unaware of this, but sugar approximates to roughly 20% of a cigarette.

13. The ambergris, also known as the whale’s vomit, is one of the hundreds of additives used in manufactured cigarettes!

14. Urea, a chemical compound that is a major component in urine, is used to add “flavor” to cigarettes.

15. A cigarette filter is made up of cellulose acetate which can take between 18 months and ten years to decompose. Help save our mother earth.

These are just a few facts about smoking. Realize then where would smoking lead smokers years from now. The facts mentioned are bulleted to serve as eye opener to all the smokers. All or many of the things listed above can be avoided by making a swtich to e-cigarettes. A lot of used to be smokers actually tried e-cigarettes, as substitute to smoking or an aid to help them totally cut-off tobacco sticks in their daily habit. Astonishingly, the number of smokers who switched to e-cigarettes is continuously growing in significant figures since year 2006 to present and yet there’s no even single reported case ever about e-cigarette that caused serious health damage nor fatality claimed.

To all the smokers out there, you know in your heart and mind what’s the right thing to do. Try switching to e-cigarettes and ditch of all those tobacco cigarettes before it’s too late. To know more about electronic cigarettes, continue to read on this e cigarette beginners guide, a great help for smokers who want to begin a new life with e-cigarettes.